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Meytal Liberman - Profile picture

I advise private clients from Israel and overseas on trusts and estate planning as an independent practitioner, after I had acquired expertise in this field of practice since 2012 during the course of her employment and collaboration with Dr. Alon Kaplan, Advocate & Notary, as well as during my employment with the law office of Herzog, Fox & Neeman.


I was admitted to the Israel Bar in 2013, and licensed as a notary in 2024.


I earned my LL.B. Degree at Bar Ilan University in 2012, and my LL.M. Degree in “Commercial Law” at Tel Aviv University in 2015.

I am a member of the Society of Trusts and Estates Practitioners (STEP) since 2015, after I had completed two years of studies and earned my Diploma in International Trust Management.
In January 2018, I have been qualified and licensed by the Administrator General and the Israel Bar Association to execute Enduring Powers of Attorney and to provide other related services.


In July 2017, I have participated in the Columbia Summer Program in American Law, held in Amsterdam by the University of Amsterdam and Columbia University.

In 2022, I have completed a mediation course of 60 academic hours. The course was both theoretical and practical and it was held by the Israel Bar Association and the National Institution of Mediation in the name of David Rothloy. 

I am the author of the chapter "Adaptation Throughout History: The Journey of the Israeli Trust from a Charitable Trust to an Estate Planning Instrument" published in the book "Asia-Pacific Trusts Law, Volume 2: Adaptation in Context" in 2022 by Bloomsbury Publishing. Furthermore, I co-authored with Dr. Alon Kaplan the chapter titled "Trusts and Estate Planning in Israel", which was published in "Trusts in Prime Jurisdictions" (5th edition) in 2019 by Globe Law and Business. In addition, I am the General Editor and contributor of the book “Trust in Israel: Theory and Practice” by Dr. Alon Kaplan, which was published in Hebrew in 2017.


I have authored various articles in my field of expertise, which were published in publications such as Trusts & Trustees, The International Family Office Journal, and STEP Journal, and I conduct lectures on various occasions.

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MEYTAL LIBERMAN, Advocate & Notary

MEYTAL LIBERMAN, Advocate & Notary

Trusts and intergenerational transfers of assets.

Trusts | Wills and Inheritance | Enduring Power of Attorney | Prenuptial and Joint Life Agreements | Transactions of Assets | Notarial Services.

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